The meeting was called to order by Council Vice President Jeffrey Parnes at 7:00 PM.
Display of Sully District Parks |
Hal Strickland, Sully Park Authority Representative |
Park Authority Staff from left to right: Kevin Williams, Manager, Park Operations; Dave Bowden, Director, Planning and Development; Peter Furen, Manager, Golf Enterprises; Cindy Walsh, Director, Resource Management; Sandy Stallman, Manager, Park Planning; Kirk Kincannon, Park Authority Director; John Shafer, Manager, E. C. Lawrence Park; Carol McDonnell, Manager, Sully Historic Site; Doreen Henry, Manager, Cub Run RECenter |
Lewis Grimm, SDC 2nd VP, Jim Neighbors, SDC Secretary and Hal Strickland, Sully Park Authority Representative |
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:25 p.m.
Respectively submitted by,
Jim Neighbors
Sully District Council