The meeting was called to order by Council President Mark McConn at 7:00 PM.
The Sully District Council agreed by CONSENSUS that it does not have any objections to the revised proposed plans for The Crossings by Smith/Packett.
By CONSENSUS, the Sully District Council has no objection to the special permit for recreational use for Kid Junction.
Statement In Support Of Increased Transportation Funding
Over the past decade, it has become increasingly apparent that the nation’s transportation infrastructure is steadily deteriorating. In many of the country’s urban areas, traffic congestion levels, which were once experienced only during peak travel periods, are being regularly encountered throughout much of the day. In many rural areas, roadway pavements have been allowed to become cracked and rutted. Throughout the country, an ever-increasing number of bridges of all ages and sizes are classified as either structurally or functionally obsolete. While increases in population and employment and associated growth in travel demand are responsible for a portion of these issues, a major part of the problem can be attributed to the growing gap between the amount of money required to operate, maintain, and expand transportation systems and the revenues available for this purpose. It has been estimated that the Commonwealth of Virginia alone needs approximately $1 billion annually to alleviate this gap. Virtually all other states face similar gaps between the value of estimated needs and likely available funding. This issue is thus one which directly affects Fairfax County, the rest of the Northern Virginia region, the entire Commonwealth of Virginia, and the rest of the United States.
Assuming that population and employment will continue to grow over time, and further assuming that the existing transportation infrastructure will continue to be further stressed as travel demands increase, it is the belief of the Sully District Council that additional revenues dedicated to the operations, maintenance, and expansion of the nation’s surface transportation systems must be generated from all appropriate public and private sources at the federal, state, and local levels.
The members of the Sully District Council neither explicitly support nor oppose any specific form of revenue generation; we leave those decisions in the hands of our elected representatives at the federal, state, and local levels. Rather, we call upon our elected representatives to individually and collectively support the generation of additional revenues sufficient to meet the magnitude of the estimated needs of improvements to the existing transportation system over a period of no less than the next 10-20 years.
Adopted this 23rd day of January, 2013
Mark McConn
Sully District Council of Citizens Associations
There being no further business before the group, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:43 PM.
Respectively submitted by,
Priscilla Knight
Sully District Council