First Vice President Jeff Parnes called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Sara Mariska, Esq., from Walsh, Colucci, Lubeley, Emrich & Walsh, P.C, presented a proposal to modify the mix of units in the Timber Ridge section near Wall Road. They will have 198 two-story condos, 180 elevator condos, 340 multi-family apartments, 85 townhouses, and the rest will be condos. There will be 65 combined affordable and workforce units. All units will be for sale except for the multi-family apartments. The changes will make the project more economical. The developer will continue to commit to the road improvements on Centreville Road, etc. They will have a field improvement plan. They will establish a berm along Centreville Road.
Marcie from Land Design showed the artist’s renditions of the landscaping. The development will have 80 feet from the road to the buildings, which will give them plenty of room to plant trees and bushes.
Ms. Mariska said the developer hopes to begin construction in spring 2013. Construction will take about four years. She said they will keep the SDC informed and she asked for our support.
Currently, Lincoln does not have plans to proceed with the retail section of the area until the economy improves. Jeff Parnes said Chantilly Highlands homeowners are disappointed that the retail plans will not go forward as an integral part. Tim Belcher from Dewberry said Lincoln may begin construction for retail before the residential section is completed.
Belcher said there will be five ball parks with about 268 parking spots.
John Litzenberger said it would be nice to have some units constructed with universal design in accordance with the Americans Disability Act, ADA, for disabled veterans for the workforce units. He noted that some disabled veterans will probably be working in the government buildings nearby.
By CONSENSUS, the SDC is amenable to the implementation of universal design for some of the units and it has no objections to the proposed changes for the development.
The Chantilly Highlands community members will meet on Oct. 1 to hear more about the project.
Subsequent to the Chantilly Highlands presentation Ms. Mariska provided the following:
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Respectively submitted by,
Jeffrey Parnes
1st Vice President
Sully District Council