Agenda for 16 December 2020 Sully District Council Meeting
by Jeff Parnes
The Sully District Council of Citizen Associations will meet virtually at 7:00 p.m. on 16 December 2020. Note that is the third Thursday of November rather than our usual fourth Wednesday.
Meeting Information:
The Sully District Council requires each participant in our online meetings to identify themselves. If your screen name does not provide enough information to identify yourself, or you are a call-in participant, you will be asked to to identify yourself. If after repeated requests, you choose not to do so, you will be disconnected from the meeting.
Join by phone: +1-408-418-9388 (Access code: 798 657 178)
Time to renew your association's membership in the Sully District Council. Our membership application can now be submitted on line! Please complete it, and then print a copy to enclose with your check.
Topic: Tom Biesiadny, Director, Fairfax County Department of Transportation will provide a virtual transportation update, specifically:
How the ongoing pandemic is impacting current and future planning.
Plans for major through routes within and near Sully, including Braddock Road, New Braddock Road, Rt 28, and Fairfax County Parkway.
How the county would accommodate any new traffic flows emanating from a possible new access to Rt 28 and Dulles Airport from Loudoun County that would tie into the existing Air and Space Museum Parkway
The Joint Sully Land Use and Transportation Committee (JSDLU&TC) will meet on Monday, 21 December 2020.
Fairfax Water will brief us on their future plans to provide water to our ever-expanding county:
Representing Fairfax Water:
Chairman of the Board Philip W. Allin will be traveling at that time, but he does want to join in if possible
General Manager Steven T. Edgemon
Manger of Planning Greg Prelewicz
As circumstances permit, next month's meetings will start at 7 PM either virtually or in the Sully District Governmental Center Front Meeting Room, 4900 Stonecroft Boulevard, Chantilly, VA, 20151, unless otherwise indicated.