Agenda for 19 November 2014 Sully District Council Meeting
by Jeff Parnes
  1. The Sully District Council of Citizen Associations, followed by a Land Use and Transportation Committee meeting, will meet at 7:00 p.m. on 19 November 2014 (Note change of date and venue - 3rd Wednesday of November due to conflict with Thanksgiving in the Chantilly Highlands Community Center located at 3225 Kinross Circle, Oak Hill, VA 20171). The meeting will be canceled if Fairfax County Schools or after school activities are canceled due to adverse weather the day of the meeting.

  2. Time to renew your association's membership in the Sully District Council. Our membership application can now be submitted on line! Please complete it, Please complete it, and for the remainder of the year, there is no cost to become a SDC member!

    Has yours made plans to join us in 2014?

  3. Sully District Council Tweets!

  4. Membership Presentation (Note change of date - 3rd Wednesday of November due to conflict with Thanksgiving - and location - Chantilly Highlands Community Center located at 3225 Kinross Circle, Oak Hill, VA 20171) :

  5. Land Use and Transportation Committee:
    1. 9:00 - Chantilly Plaza Sign Notices
      • Proponent: Inda E. Stagg, Senior Land Use Planner, Walsh Colucci Lubeley & Walsh PC
      • Action: SE 2014-SU-059
      • Location: Chantilly Plaza on Rt 50
        The owner of the shopping center wants to replace the existing freestanding sign, and not just reface it. They would like to keep a similar sized sign, which requires SE approval.

    2. 9:30 - Centrewood Drive Apartments, Inc., Final Development Plan Amendment
      • Proponent: Andrew A. Painter, Walsh, Colucci, Lubeley & Walsh, P.C.
      • Action: Final Development Plan Amendment
      • Location: Centrewood Drive Apartments, Inc
        They are seeking to replace the existing Lakeside apartment complex two-story 4,861-square foot apartment community clubhouse and pool area with a two-story 10,860 square foot clubhouse and pool area. The application was submitted last month, and recently accepted.
        As the Lakeside community has matured, frequent use of the clubhouse and pool has necessitated the need for improvements. The upper level of the proposed clubhouse will include a lobby, leasing office, mailing room and office space for staff, a kitchen, a computer room, restrooms, and a community meeting room. The lower level will include bathroom and shower facilities, a dog washing area, a fitness center, and yoga room.
        There will be no change to the number of visitors to, or trips generated by, the proposed clubhouse, as use of the facilities will continue to be restricted to Lakeside residents. No new units are being requested and, aside from replacing the clubhouse and reconfiguring the pool deck, no other site modifications or change to the Subject Property’s proffered density is proposed.
        No changes to the internal circulation pattern are proposed; the site is already built-out, and Lakeside will continue to be accessed via Machen Road and Centrewood Drive. The existing internal pedestrian circulation pattern and four private drives (Summer Pond Drive, Morning Dove Lane, Cattail Lane, and Summer Tree Road) will continue to provide convenient access to the new clubhouse.

  6. Old Business

  7. New Business

  8. Items of General Interest:

  9. Scheduled Meetings/Activities:

  10. Next Membership Meeting - Wednesday 17 December 2014 (Note change of Date - 3rd Thursday due to Conflict with Christmas):

    • Membership Topic: Land Use
      • John Litzenberger, Sully Planning Commissioner

    • Land Use and Transportation Committee meeting will be held if necessary:

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey M. Parnes
First Vice President
Sully District Council

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