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21 November 02 Sully District Council Meeting
by Jeff Parnes

Sully Planning Commissioner Ron Koch was the guest at this month's meeting. Ron spoke to the concern that Centreville had become crowded because of overbuilding. Ron used statistics for the Bull Run Planning area as the basis for examination, as the boundaries of Centreville's supervisory districts, and the districts themselves, had varied over the years, but the Bull Run Planning district remained constant. In 1980, before the Occoquan downzoning and accompanying replanning, Bull Run's statistics were the following:

[SF - Single Family, TH - Townhouse, MF - Multifamily, TOT - Total, n/s - not supplied (all data in thousand dwelling units)]

Existing Planned Overall

In 1983 with the Occoquan downzoning and accompanying replanning, the growth in the Bull Run district was redirected from single family homes to townhouses, but growth projection remained nearly the same.


When these figures were revisited in 1991 growth was faster, but the build out was still within 5 thousand of the 1980 projection.


With the results of the 2000 census factored in, the overall capacity was still close to the 1990 projection, but had not grown as fast as projected in 1991


In summary, Ron pointed out that the number of dwelling units projected for build out in 1980 was 43 thousand, and the current 2025 build out is projected at 49, only a 14% increase over the last twenty years.

Ron indicated that the developer of one of the three high-quality restaurants planned for Trinity Center had asked whether it could be reconfigured to host three different choices under one roof. The groups' initial response was not favorable. They had been envisioned a restaurant that would be a draw not just for Centreville but the surrounding area as well but based on the request they envisioned a restaurant similar to a Pizza Hut/Taco Bell/Burger King combination facility - not quite for what they had hoped.

Ron indicated that he was postponing the decision on Marlo Furniture's out-of-turn plan amendment for another two weeks. The WFFCA had voted against the request to replan a parcel north of the EQC to allow retail uses rather than the tourist-oriented uses for which the parcel was currently planed in support of the Smithsonian Air and Space Annex opening next year. Marlo had made a similar request to the SDC LU&T committee in November, but the committee took no action on the request. Ron is looking for Marlo to come up with a more convincing argument in support of their request or to show that there is considerable citizen support for it.

After Ron left, the agenda for the next LU&T committee meeting was discussed. Representatives of Fair Oaks hospital have agreed to return to discuss the hospital's expansion plans. In addition, it was requested that Pulte's request for state and federal permits to discharge fill material into Bull Run from the Cedar Crest property (just west of Fairfax National Estates) be added to the agenda.

It was uncertain whether the new Sully Supervisor's office would be complete and available for use for our December meeting at this time. Supervisor Frey is supposed to host the next meeting and give us a guided tour of the new facility. As of this time the date, location and whether the December meeting will be held were all uncertain.

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