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24 January 2001 Sully District Council Meeting
by Jeff Parnes

WHEREAS, the citizens of Sully District overwhelmingly supported the Park Bond referendum which provided for funds to build a Sully District Recreation Center, and

WHEREAS, the referendum included $15 Million dollars for such Center, and

WHEREAS, subsequent proposals to locate the Center on land already owned by the County were thought by the citizens to preclude a need for land acquisition costs, and

WHEREAS, although the bond language did not stipulate that any particular Center use would be definitely included, public perception was that the probable uses would be a 50 ft indoor pool, a diving tank, arts and crafts room, and

WHEREAS, public meetings and 'focus groups' in which the community was allowed to participate did not surface the question of final cost until months after the bond’s approval, and

WHEREAS, the necessity for the greater Sully and County Citizens to make priority decisions which will permanently impact the final configuration and uses of the Center has only recently become known, and

WHEREAS, four funding alternatives have been proposed for consideration,

WHEREAS, there are no alternatives available for consideration without flaws, and

WHEREAS, the Recreation Center promises to provide the most benefits for the largest population of Sully District, youth, adults and seniors alike, and has potential benefit to County residents in other Districts, and

WHEREAS, the Center should primarily benefit Fairfax County residents

BE IT RESOLVED that the Sully District Council strongly recommends that the County take no actions to preclude the future constriction of a 50 meter indoor pool, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that completion of the pool and other facilities for the Recreation Center as originally envisioned be made a matter of highest priority, to include, if necessary, postponement of other Park Authority capital expenditures in the Sully area and Fairfax County as a whole,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Center when complete, contain the 50-meter pool, a leisure pool, a weight and fitness area and multi-purpose rooms for a total of 88,000 square feet (Option 4 as proposed), even if final completion has to be delayed.

BE IT FINALLY resolved that fee structures for use of the Center be designed to encourage and benefit the use of the facilities by County residents, versus residents of other jurisdictions.

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