Agenda for 13 September 2004 Sully District Land Use and Transportation Committee Meeting
by Jeff Parnes
  1. The Sully District Land Use and Transportation Committee will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Sully District Governmental Center meeting room 1, 4900 Stonecroft Boulevard, Chantilly, VA., 20151

  2. Presentations:

    1. 7:30
      • Proponent: Applicant is Stanford Hotels Corporation, Agents are Sheri Hoy and Greg Riegle.
      • Action: SE application for increase in building height
      • Location: It is on 4 parcels on the north side of 50, between 50 and the Rt 28 exit and Thunderbolt, in the NE quadrant of 28 and 50.

    2. 8:00
      • Proponent: Frank Stearns agent for National Capital Land & Development
      • Action: RZ 2004-SU-015, to rezone 19.72 acres to PDH-5
      • Location: Redevelop the remaining homes on Lowe St. between Chantilly Green and Armfield Farms.
      • Last presented at the August meeting. Tracy Swagler is staff coordinator. PC public hearing is 9-22-04.

  3. Old Business (8:30):

    1. Bruce McKinley, Chairman, Ox Hill Baptist Building Committee, provided the latest copy of the GDP/SE for Ox Hill Baptist Church. He's available to answer any questions if they arise.

    2. Capital Beltway Study Environmental Impact Statement Citizen Information Meetings were held in June.
      • Based on the large number of comments received from local governments and the general public regarding the physical impacts associated with the proposed improvements presented in the Draft EIS, VDOT has decided to evaluate modifications which would reduce the size of the Candidate Build Alternatives, particularly at each of the ten interchanges. In addition, the feasibility and effectiveness of High-Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes on the Beltway are also being evaluated.
      • The results of these additional studies were presented at two citizen information meetings. Jeff attended one of the meetings and reports:
        • Basically the offered designs were essentially alike, except there are two HOT lanes and one HOV lane. Both the HOV and HOT proposals now show a non-barrier separation of the additional lanes from the existing four lanes of the Beltway.
        • The slip ramps from and to the HOT/HOV lanes to the regular lanes no longer exist. Once a decision is made to enter the limited lanes, one must either exit via one the special ramps or continue to end of the lanes before the Georgetown Pike exit northbound or before the I95/I395 interchange to the south.
        • The HOV/HOT lane entrances/exits at Rt 236, RT 29 southbound on, northbound off (for buses only) and Rt 123 are all in the middle of the current intersections (think of Stringfellow Road and I66).
        • Both the I66 and Rt 267 interchanges show new ramps connecting existing HOV lanes to the proposed HOV/HOT lanes. At I66 there would be full connectivity to and from the west. No ramps to I66 eastbound from southbound I495 HOV/HOT lanes or in reverse are shown. No HOV ramps from eastbound Rt267 to northbound I495 are shown, nor from westbound Rt267 to southbound I495.
        • Although some sort of improvement on the Maryland Beltway is being considered (one lane due to right-of-way considerations), there were no plans shown for connecting across the American Legion Bridge to the proposed Maryland's improvements.
        • VDOT has a website discussing the I495 HOT lane proposal
        • There is no funding available for the HOT lane proposal, but the HOT lanes may be self-funding with a 100 million contribution from the state.

    3. The Board of Supervisor's Transportation Subcommittee met on 19 July.
      • WMATA briefed on its request for a dedicated funding source, and its need for recapitialization funds, entitled Metro Matters, for purchase of additional running stock under the option provision of existing contract (saving hundreds of millions of dollars) and vital upgrading/replacement of existing 30 year old physical equipment.
      • VDOT briefed on the Beltway EIS Update.
        • They are reconsidering the impact of proposed Maryland improvements, such as including the missing ramp from eastbound Rt 267 to northbound I495 and extending the beltway lanes to the American Legion Bridge.
        • No HOV/HOT improvements are projected east of Braddock Road to Woodrow Wilson Bridge under this study
      • Two proponents briefed on plans to extend High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes on I95 southbound.
        • Both the Clark and Fluor proposals included building the HOT ramps from and to I495 HOT lanes, assuming the I495 improvements went forward.
        • The Clark proposal concentrated on I95 from Springfield south to Rt 17 north of Fredericksburg. They proposed three-laning the existing HOV lanes, and extending new HOT lanes to Rt 17. The provided options to go as far south as Rt 3 in Fredericksburg and three-laning the existing HOV lanes on I395.
        • The Fluor proposal discussed a Bus Rapid Transit service from Spotsylvania Count (RT 17 south of Fredericksburg) all the way to the Pentagon, as well three-laning the existing HOV on both I395 and I95, and extending new HOT lanes to Rt 17 south of Fredericksburg.
      • The Transportation Advisory Commission briefed on its recent efforts
        • Transportation Summit
        • TAC Spot Project Program (Sully's spot improvement is widening Stone Rd. to provide left-turn lanes at Olde Kent Rd., Billingsgate Ln. and Battery Ridge Ln.)
        • TAC response to the Braddock District Transportation town meetings (folks participating in the Transportation town meetings reported that had they better understood the 2002 transportation tax referendum they would have all supported it, even those who had voted against it).
        • TAC’s role in the BOS 4-year Transportation Plan

  4. New Business (9:00):

    1. Fairfax County has created a web page on the 2 November bond referendum so residents can obtain information about the four bond questions on the ballot. The ballot will include questions asking voter's approval to borrow money for improvements in:
      • Human service programs ($32.5 million)
      • Libraries ($52.5 million)
      • Parks($75 million)
      • Transportation ($165 million)
      For more information call 703.324.3187.

  5. Scheduled Meetings:

    1. Saturday, September 11 8:30 to 10:00 a.m:
      What: Green Breakfast.
      Where: Old Country Buffet, Fair City Mall - Route 236 (Main Street) and Pickett Road in Fairfax City.
      Program: "Preserve, Protect, and Defend – the Chesapeake Bay!"
      Speaker: Supervisor Penny Gross (Mason District)
      Supervisor Gross currently chairs the Potomac Watershed Roundtable and the Board of Supervisors’ Environment Committee. She is the founding chairman of the COG Chesapeake Bay Policy Committee, which was instrumental in promoting language regarding local governments in the Chesapeake 2000 agreement. Supervisor Gross will discuss regional efforts to address the clean-up of the Chesapeake Bay. In March 2004, she was appointed to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Blue Ribbon Finance Panel which will make recommendations to the EPA in October for financing the Bay clean-up. Members of the 15-person Finance Panel include former Virginia Governor Jerry Baliles and former Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt. Supervisor Gross is the only local elected official on the panel.

    2. Monday, September 13, 2004 at 7 p.m.
      The Fairfax County Park Authority will hold a public hearing to present a proposal for the General Management and Conceptual Development Plan for Ox Hill Battlefield Park and the General Management Plan for Union Mills/Confederate Fortifications Historic Site. Both sites represent important local historic and cultural resources relating to the Civil War which warrant protection and interpretation. The combined hearing will take place in Room 106/107 located on the first floor of the Herrity Building at 12055 Government Center Parkway in Fairfax.

    3. Tuesday, September 14, 2004 at 6:30 p.m.
      Sully District 2004 Apr Task Force will meet fortnightly continuing into December.

    4. Thursday, September 16, 2004 at 7:30 p.m.
      The Department of Planning and Zoning will be hosting on a public information session to introduce the draft staff recommendation for the Planned Development Districts Zoning Ordinance Amendment in Rooms 106 and 107 of the Herrity Building located at 12055 Government Center Parkway in Fairfax, Virginia. The website will be periodically updated. Therefore, you may visit this site for the latest information concerning this amendment.

    5. Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2004:
      Tentative FY2006-2011 Six-Year Improvement Program (SYIP)
      Public hearings to comment on rail, public transportation, bicycle, pedestrian and highway projects (except for local/secondary roads) to include in the tentative program to be adopted by the Commonwealth Transportation Board in 2005. Held at VDOT Northern Virginia District, Fairfax Room, 14685 Avion Parkway, Chantilly, VA.
      5:00 - 6:00 p.m. - Informal open forum; comments can be submitted
      6:00 Formal presentation session starts; comments will be accepted alternating between that evening’s districts.

  6. Planned for 4 October Meeting

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey M. Parnes
Chair, Sully District Council
Land Use and Transportation Committee

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2004 ©SDC; last modified Saturday, 11 September 2004

modified by Jeffrey M. Parnes