This was the fourth workshop since the inception of the study. Its purpose was to present a preliminary summary of impacts for each of the alternatives currently under study prior to the publication of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and solicit input on the alternatives.
Multiple members of the SDC attended the presentation where a new southern alignment, "G" was presented. Alignment G parallels I66 and either negatively impacts residents in Fairfax South of Rt 29 or, in order to avoid the negative impacts, cuts across a historically significant portion of the battlefield where a cavalry engagement was fought. In addition, alignment G is the only one presented for which future expansion is limited.
At the presentation the Park Superintendent was questioned regarding the Fairfax County portion of alignments C and D which cut through a portion of the Park rather than going outside the park and through local neighborhoods. The Superintendent indicated that when the law was passed by Congress, Representative Wolf ensured that the language read that the Bypass should go through or near the part. That wording was included to try to minimize the adverse impacts of the Bypass to Park Neighborhoods. In addition, the land transversed by Alignments C and D was used by Union forces for troop movements, but no battles were fought there. The Superintendent would gladly allow alignments C and D if that meant that Rt 29 traffic would be removed from cutting through the center of the Park.
A motion was made at tonight's meeting to reconfirm the position the council had previously stated, that Council preferred Alignments C or D over A, B or G. There was discussion as to whether the no-build alternative should be supported. After the ballot, the preferential selection of Alignments C and D were reconfirmed.
These thoughts on the study were mailed to Mr. Jack Van Dop of FHWA at 21400 Ridgetop Circle, Sterling, VA 20166 by 30 March 2004.
Jeffrey M. Parnes
Chair, Sully District Council
Land Use and Transportation Committee