This had been previously considered in March 2003. At that time the presentation indicated that the existing service bays would be removed and replaced with a quick service store. Since that time, under the gentle persuasion of Planning Commissioner Ron Koch, the applicant was convinced of the benefit of including service bays. With the addition of a four-bay building, the size of the On-The-Run convenience store will decrease from 3900 square feet to 3200. The site plans call for a car wash, which has been relocated from the previous plan, and 8 pumps, including a dual-purpose diesel dispenser.
There will be one curb cut on Route 50, with another entrance on Fair Ridge Drive. VDOT is no longer requiring a service drive in the front of their property, as the adjoining fire/police station does not want cross traffic in front of their facility. VDOT has given the applicant permission to landscape the area in lieu of the service drive.
The facility will use the same color scheme as the Hilton Hotel behind it.
Although at our March 2003 review, the committee had requested that their be a canopy connecting the pump canopied area to the front of the convenience store, it was still not shown on the presented plans. The applicant is concerned that such a canopy might impede the full movement of fuel trucks. The CentreRidge Exxon was identified as a local example of where it has been proved to be feasible.
The four service bays will be kept in house, no contract Jiffy-Lube or Midas Muffler with be contracted. The facility has no plans to offer state inspections.
The facility conforms to the new lighting ordinance. No neon lighting will be used. No pole signs will be used; all the signage will be monument based.
There will be an eight-foot-wide sidewalk along Route 50, and a sidewalk on Fair Ridge Drive. The committee recommended that the Fair Ridge Drive sidewalk extend the full depth of their property whether or not the hotel had built a walk on their portion of the drive.
The committee felt strongly that there should be no beer or wine sales at the convenience store.
The committee requested that the applicant return before the 24 March 2004 Planning Commission hearing to address:
Jeffrey M. Parnes
Chair, Sully District Council
Land Use and Transportation Committee