Maps of the current alignments for the Tri-County Connector are not in enough detail to determine the possible impacts to existing homes.
Another Tri-County Connector newsletter is expected shortly, It is expected that the new newsletter maps will have more detail.
The Congressional mandate for the Battlefield Bypass study is to remove traffic from the National Park, routing traffic around the park but not necessarily improving it.
The extent of the interplay between the Battlefield Bypass and the Tri-County Connector has yet to be determined,
The funding horizons for each are different. VDOT doesn't have the funds for the Tri-County Connector, but funding for the Battlefield Bypass comes from the federal budget.
Although the Open House was supposed to assist the FAA in finalizing the alternatives under consideration and other significant issues that are to be addressed in the Draft EIS, it seemed:
that the differences in the alternatives were minor.
that since the Draft EIS was not yet available, it might have been better release it and then seek comments on it
Ultimately, these highway safety zones could receive increased law enforcement, education and safety enhancements.
Most of the attendees at the public hearing were local governments or members of the press.
The SDC attendee suggested that the name of the program be changed, as the emphasis is on making unsafe roads safer, then they ought not to be called Safety Corridors, but Unsafe Corridors. Of cause, VDOT and the Commonwealth could never designate a road as unsafe - they'd be opening themselves to suits for allowing the conditions to exist.
It was also suggested that it seemed to be unfair the Commonwealth's drivers to first be forced to drive on roads for which the Commonwealth doesn't have funds to improve, and then be subject to increased fines to compensate for unsafe conditions caused by the lack of funding.
Although there are no funds available for the construction, preliminary plans for the interchange at the Fairfax County Parkway (Route 7100) / Fair Lakes Parkway (Route 7700) and the widening of Fairfax County Parkway to six lanes within the existing median, from south of Interstate 66 to north or Rugby Road (Route 750), were shown.
After discussion on the matter, it was moved, seconded and passed, that the Sully District Council opposes changes to section 19-609 that would delete certain categories of appeal of actions of the Zoning Administrator.
Judith agreed to present the SDC position to the Planning Commission, but after county staff became aware of strong opposition by many citizen groups to the proposed wording, the hearing was cancelled and staff planned to revisit the ZOA wording.
Flour-Daniels has made an unsolicited proposal to VDOT to conduct the lanes from West of The I395/I95/I495 interchange to just south of the Georgetown Pike on I495.
The Fairfax County Environmental Quality Advisory Council (EQAC) is an advisory group that has been appointed by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to advise the Board on environmental matters. The Council is comprised of one citizen representative from each Magisterial District, four at-large members, and one student representative. Each year, EQAC holds a public hearing to obtain citizen input on issues of environmental concern. The public is encouraged to attend and share views on the state of the environment and to identify any environmental issues applicable to Fairfax County. Environmental issues considered by EQAC include water quality, air quality, noise, hazardous materials, solid waste, stream valley protection, wildlife management, light pollution, visual pollution, and the use and preservation of ecological resources. The Council would welcome your written and/or verbal testimony. To be placed on the speakers list or for additional information, call the Fairfax County Department of Planning and Zoning at 324-1210 (TTY 711—Virginia Relay) or send an e-mail message to
Each session will begin with an open house at 6 PM followed by the hearing at 7 PM. More information can be found on their website
Jeffrey M. Parnes
Chair, Sully District Council
Land Use and Transportation Committee