At the November 2002 LU&T committee meeting Marlo had requested approval of an out-of-turn plan amendment to allow them to build a furniture store in area currently planned for tourist or entertainment uses.
From the November minutes:
Subsequently, Marlo indicated its willingness to trim 7000 square feet off the structure it was proposing and then use the remaining parcel for a variety of uses, or instead donate funds for off-site recreational improvements, and had held a meeting with county, SDC and WFCCA representatives. At December WFCCA meeting, the WFCCA had approved the proposal to donate $250,000 for off-site recreation uses to compensate for loss of entertainment / recreational uses on this site.
After the presentation of the revised proposal, the following concerns were addressed:
A motion was made, seconded and approved 4 - 1 with one abstention:
The SDC LU&T has no objection to the proposal but recommends consideration of the following recommendations:
Subsequent to the committee’s meeting, the Planning Commission heard and approved the proposed out-of-turn plan amendment. The text of the approved amendment is available online. The Marlo proponents have concerns that the committee’s recommendations and the Planning Commissions-approved amendment asked for both an off-site recreation donation and restricted use on the remainder of the parcel, when they had offered to do one or the other but not both. The have asked for, and received, a postponement of the Planned Board of Supervisor’s vote on the amendment.
VDOT needs to present and publish an alternative analysis report that is more specific as to potential roadway alignments prior to the publishing of the Environmental Impact Statement. In addition, the citizen input period should be nine months
Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey M. Parnes
Chair, Sully District Council
Land Use and Transportation Committee