7 October 2002 Sully District Land Use and Transportation Committee Report
by Jeff Parnes
  1. Attendance:

    1. Members: Dick Frank (TAC), Jim Hart (Virginia Run), Carol Hawn (Old Mill), Judith Heisinger (Bull Run CA), Mark McConn (Bull Run CA), Jeff Parnes (Chantilly Highlands), and Larry Tessier (Franklin Glen)

    2. Guests: Gary Heisler (Baker - consultants to FCWA ); Bob Merenes (CADCON Consulting); Gary Cox and Kathy Smedley (FCWA); Robert O'Neill (Oak Hill); Daniel Clark, Sheila Coates, Mary and Tony Dorrzapf, Gail Kent, Dale and Mary Lowe, Craig and Laurie Mosier, Anston O'Neill, Lucy and Michael Spraggs (Ox Hill); Meaghan Kiefer (Supervisor Frey); Carol and Dave Cannon (Vale United Methodist Church)

  2. Presentations:

    1. Proponent: Staff, Meaghan Kiefer of Supervisor Frey’s office presenting.
      Action: Planned out-of-turn plan amendment S02-III-UP1
      Location:Ox Hill.  

      On June 17, 2002, the Board of Supervisors authorized Out-of-Turn Plan amendment S02-III-UP1 to examine the recommendations in the adopted Comprehensive Plan for the Ox Hill area, particularly the option for higher density residential use if the Ox Hill area is consolidated with land to the south. Ox Hill is generally located north of Route 50 and east of Centreville Road, generally south of the Armfield Farms subdivision, along Lowe Street and Louise Avenue.

      The subject property is comprised of Ox Hill, the residential community on Lowe Street and Louise Avenue, as well as four parcels that are adjacent to Centreville Road. Ox Hill is an older residential subdivision where most of the homes were built in the 1950's and the rest were built by 1970. The Ox Hill area includes 24 parcels. The subject property is comprised of approximately 19.7 acres. The Ox Hill area includes the Ox Hill subdivision and the four adjacent parcels described above. In the Comprehensive Plan, the subject property is in Area III, Upper Potomac Planning District, and the UP8 Lee- Jackson Community Planning Sector. The subject property is part of a larger area that is planned for residential use at 3-4 dwelling units per acre (du/ac), with an option for residential use at 5-8 du/ac, with conditions.

      As the planned consolidation with Chantilly Green (at a du/ac of 2.9 overall) did not happen, the conditional comprehensive language for these Ox Hill parcels no longer pertains. This Out-of-Turn Plan amendment reduces the APR from 5-8 to 4-5. The proposed amendment will allow for patio and zero-lot line development. There is a reduced impact on the schools and parks, as the 4-5 du/ac will have less of an impact than the original 5-8 du/ac.

      The committee endorsed the proposed Out-of-Turn Plan amendment.

    2. Proponent: Water Authority staff: Kathy Smedley, Chief Design Engineer, and Gary Cox, Senior Engineering Technician.
      Action: Stringfellow Road Water Main project: The Fairfax County Water Authority is proposing to construct a transmission main in the Sully District
      Location: The proposed alignment is along Route 50, starting in the vicinity of the Greenbriar Shopping Center, and running west to Stringfellow Road. The alignment then turns south and runs along Stringfellow Road to Route 66.

      The proposed 24-inch water mains to be installed along Stringfellow Road and Lee Jackson Memorial Highway will serve multiple purposes. The Stringfellow Road component will increase transmission capacity in the Fair Oaks area and distribution system network. The Lee Jackson Memorial Highway component of the project will provide greater flexibility and overall reliability in the transfer of water to the Chantilly and Centreville service areas. The additional transmission capacity provided by both components of the Stringfellow Road Water Main project will benefit all customers in the western part of Fairfax County.

      The length of time estimated to complete this construction is approximately 15 months. During construction, traffic and access to all adjoining properties will be maintained. Efforts will be made to protect the environment from dust, silt and erosion. Upon completion of the project, all disturbed unpaved areas will be graded and seeded. All paved areas will be re-paved as required by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT).

      When completed, these water system improvements will provide increased water system security, reliability and water quality to the homeowners in the western part of Fairfax County.

      At the International Country Club, so as not disturb an existing historic site, the water main will go north into the club property rather than between the site and Route 50. Construction will occur during the winter months. The main will go through the Chantilly Library parking lot rather then impacting the trees just west of Stringfellow Road. The construction through the park west of Chantilly High School will be done in the summer so as to not take away some of the needed high school parking. Where the petroleum pipelines parallel Stringfellow Road the water main will go in the Stringfellow Road right of way, and may cause some tree loss along the southern parts just north of the Park and Ride facility. The installation of the water main will not interfere with the future four-laning of Stringfellow Road. Rather than digging the trench via blasting, a trenching tool will be used instead. FCWA made a conscious decision not to take a possible shorter route through the Greenbriar residential neighborhood.

    3. Proponent: Carol Cannon (Vale United Methodist Church), Robert Merenes (CADCON Consulting)
      Action: Vale United Methodist Church Expansion
      Location: Close to Vale road, about 22 feet

      Vale United Methodist Church is proposing to expand their existing facilities within the R1 zoning district as it has outgrown its sanctuary, has no handicapped access, and wishes to increase seating and classroom space to better serve existing parishioners. It proposes to build a 20-foot Narthex with and addition 65 seats and handicap access ramp. There is also a possibility, if the congregation approves, to expand their education facility with a 26 by 16 addition. The current parking will be sufficient for the proposed expansion. Because the current facility is close to Vale Road, the Special Permit Amendment also requires a Variance to resolve the front yard set back.

  3. Old Business:

    1. Conservation District Zoning Ordinance Amendment

      Resolutions generated by the FCFCA and the McLean Citizens Associations on the proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment for the Conservation District were distributed. The FCFCA resolution was based on the draft SDC resolution, but then deferred based on their recommendation that the ZOA not go forward until the Occoquan Task Force has a chance to make its recommendations. Most of the SDC LU&T committee members favor some development but are concerned that the proposed ZOA is too broad, and recommend tightening some of the constraints, such as the overall size limitation. The committee is encouraged to propose modifications to the draft resolution.

  4. New Business:

    1. Judith Heisinger indicated there would be a meeting on 18 October to discuss "Water Quality Through land Conservation."
    2. Dick Frank indicated concern that the Route 234 and 29 intersection, which had recently been improved, was now being redone.
    3. Dick indicated that the Route 29 relocation outside of Manassas Battlefield Park may go south of I-66 paralleling Balls Ford Road.
    4. Dick provided a link for the I-66 Multimodal Transportation and Environmental Study.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey M. Parnes
Chair, Sully District Council
Land Use and Transportation Committee


Resolution on Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment
"Private Athletic Training/Administrative Facility in Conjunction With a Public Use"

WHEREAS, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors has authorized advertisement for public hearing of a proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment to allow a new non-residential use in the Residential Conservation [R-C] zoning district, to be called "Private Athletic Training/Administrative Facility in Conjunction With a Public Use", currently scheduled for public hearing before the Planning Commission on October 30, 2002;

WHEREAS, a substantial portion of the downzoned R-C district lies within Sully magisterial district, including member communities of Sully District Council; and

WHEREAS, Sully District Council remains strongly committed to the protection of water quality within the Occoquan Basin, and the objectives contained within the adopted Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan, to protect the water quality through land use policies designed to limit development and minimize impervious surfaces within the watershed; and

WHEREAS, the land use committee of the Western Fairfax County Citizens Association, whose boundaries include the entire R-C portion of Sully District, has reviewed the proposed zoning ordinance amendment, and voted on September 17, 2002 to oppose it as written, and to communicate specific concerns about the wording of the proposed additional standards to the Planning Commission, Board of Supervisors, and Fairfax County staff; and

WHEREAS, both the Sully District Council and its Land Use and Transportation Committee have reviewed the staff report dated August 5, 2002, and consistent with all of the above, wish to express the objections of Sully District to this proposal; now, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED that the Sully District Council of Citizens Associations expresses its opposition to the proposed zoning ordinance amendment captioned "Private Athletic Training/Administrative Facility in Conjunction With a Public Use", as stated in the staff report dated August 5, 2002.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Sully District Council of Citizens Associations expresses its opposition to the draft proposed additional standards for this use, as contained in the staff report, in the following particulars:

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey M. Parnes
Chair, Sully District Council
Land Use and Transportation Committee

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modified by Jeffrey M. Parnes