Agenda for 1 July 2002 Sully District Land Use and Transportation Committee Meeting
by Jeff Parnes
  1. Presentations:
    1. 7:30
      • Proponent: Molly E. Harbin, Land Use Planner, McGuireWoods, LLP
      • Action: SEA 00-Y-017 is a request to amend a previously approved special exception for two hotels.
      • Location: PCA-79-C-089 and SEA-00-Y-017 by AXAR management deal with hotel pool and office configuration changes for a facility on the Southwest corner of Centreview Drive and Thunderbolt Place.

        The approved hotels were presented to the committee. The amendment seeks to enclose two previously approved outdoor swimming pools and to permit construction of a sit-down, full service, restaurant with second floor office space that will be used by the Applicant.

        PCA 79-C-089 is a request to amend the governing proffers for a small portion of the property and to allow for an increase in FAR from 0.35 to 0.42. The proposed FAR is less than that allowed under the Zoning Ordinance for the I-5 Zoning District. The proposed increase in FAR conforms to the Comprehensive Plan recommendations and associated performance standards.

        The PCA proposes to modify the construction standards applicable to the portion of the structures (a corner of one hotel and a swimming pool) proposed in the Airport Noise Overlay District in order to conform to current Zoning Ordinance standards.

    2. 8:00
      • Proponent: Bill Brar
      • Action: Discuss the rezoning of office space to residential
      • Location: North of Hilton Hotel, west of VA Power facility, on Rt. 50 (on old Meadows Farms site).
  2. Old Business:
    1. SE for a sports headquarters in RC at the July 2002.
    2. WMATA regional bus study.
    3. TAC report - Dick Frank
    4. VDOT presentation on 4 June 02 of Fairfax County and Fair Lakes parkways interchange
  3. New Business:
    1. Discussion of FAA, Washington Airports District Office, presentation on Dulles Airport New Runways Environmental Impact Statement Public Scoping Workshops held on 26 June
  4. Other scheduled meetings:
    1. Dulles Corridor Transit Environmental Impact Statement Public hearings (Open house and displays start at 6pm, the public hearings start at 7pm)
      • Monday, 29 July, Spring Hill Elementary School, McLean
      • Tuesday, 30 July, Langston Hughes Middle School in Reston
      • Wednesday, 31 July, Stone Bridge High School in Ashburn, VA
  5. Planned for 5 August Meeting:
    • Nothing at this time

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey M. Parnes
Chair, Sully District Council
Land Use and Transportation Committee

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2004 ©SDC; last modified Tuesday, 26 October 2004

modified by Jeffrey M. Parnes