Tim Sampson of Walsh, Colucci presented a Special Exemption request for a shopping center on the south side of Route 50 just west of Mitchell-Weeks house. The shopping center is comprised of two freestanding structures, one, a Jiffy Lube and the other, a one-story building containing a Statefarm Insurance office, a drycleaner and a veterinary clinic.
The Jiffy Lube had originally proffered no Sunday hours, but now that other nearby facilities, such as the car wash permitted on the Mitchell-Weeks site just to its east, have been granted Sunday hours, it wished the same 10-4:30 operating hours. In addition, the Jiffy Lube has a freestanding sign that was permitted when the facility was approved.
The three firms occupying the other structure propose to erect a sign to make their facility more visible from the road. This would have been allowed by-right if the Jiffy Lube had not been permitted its own sign prior to the second facility’s construction, as both structures are considered to be part of the same shopping center and the center is by-right permitted only one sign. They proposed a sign 76 square foot sign (with 80 square feet allowable) 13 feet high.
The committee members, by a unanimous vote with two abstentions, voted to support the proposed Sunday hours and allow a second sign with the following stipulations:
The committee took a straw vote to see which configuration its members preferred, and found that five preferred the HOV-Express/Local configuration and one preferred the concurrent HOV configuration. Additional comments include the need for I-66 to enter the beltway on the right side rather than the left side as it does now. Additionally, if an Express/Local configuration is selected the signage identifying Express/Local usage needs to be carefully reviewed to prevent confusion.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey M. Parnes
Chair, Sully District Council
Land Use and Transportation Committee