4 February 2002 Sully District Land Use and Transportation Committee Report
by Jeff Parnes
  1. Presentations:

    1. 7:30
      • Proponent: Sheri Hoy (McGuire Woods) representing Verizon (encore visit)
      • Action: Special Exception to request for expansion of central office
      • Location: 2905 Fox Mill Road

      On Verizon's SEA 81-C-051-02/2232-Y01-34 to enlarge their switching station on Fox Mill Road the committee voted 4 to 1 to recommend to the Planning Commission that:

      1. They find the general criteria of location, character and extent satisfied on the 2232,
      2. They approve the SEA subject to staff's revised proposed development conditions dated 1-30-02, including the minor modifications discussed at the meeting [subject to staff approval of the wording on those]
      3. The SDC LU&T reaffirms its support for the 8am start time for construction rather than 7am
      4. The SDC LU&T encourages the applicant to continue to work on maintaining and upgrading the landscaping irrespective of progress on construction, in the meantime.

  2. Old Business:

    1. On the tree pole in Franklin Farm [Terry Cooke's case] the vote was 5-0 to recommend to the Planning Commission approval, based on staff 's recommendation of approval and Franklin Farm's OK.
    2. On Jay O'Brien's resolution the vote was 5-0 to request him to please excise from his trails resolution [House Joint Resolution no. 260] the Sully District portions of the R-C downzoned area and the Sully District portions of the Occoquan Watershed. The vote also reaffirmed support of the Fairfax County staff and Trails Committee recommendations on the out of turn plan amendment for the Trails Plan, and support for its continued implementation in the Sully District including our portions of the R-C and the watershed.
    3. On the APR on Wall Rd, 01-III-11UP the vote was 4-0 with 1 abstention to recommend support of the staff position on no multifamily, and to therefore oppose the task force position on multifamily in that item. That was the only APR where the SDC LU&T took a position. The following testimony given to the Planning Commission on this item by Jeff Parnes on 6 February:


      At its most recent meeting the Sully District Council Land Use and Transportation Committee reviewed the proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan being considered in the 2001 Area Plan Review for Sully District and directly adjacent areas, as well as the Sully Area Plan Review Task Force recommendations.

      The committee took a position on only one of the proposed nominations to the Comprehensive Plan being considered in the 2001 Area Plan Review. The nomination, APR Item 01-III-11UP, asks for the addition of multi-family residential as an option for several parcels along Wall Road, and the Task Force agreed.

      The Sully District Council Land Use and Transportation Committee does not support the nominee s request. Instead, it voted to support the staff recommendation on this item, which adds language to the master plan allowing as an alternative use, if these parcels are considered with an adjacent R-1 property, not currently part of this nomination, a mix of non-residential uses up to .50 FAR that may include office, hotel, retail, cultural, recreation and/or entertainment uses.

      Both of the closest residential neighborhoods, Franklin Farm, and Chantilly Highlands, are established communities with supporting infrastructure, such as schools, planned for, and barely supporting, the current built-out residential development. This area west of Centreville Road and along Route 28 was the subject of joint Citizen Land Holder planning effort whose report was well received by the county and then enacted. The effort identified certain areas that might well have a mix of residential and non-residential uses, and we have seen these develop north of McLearen Road. But as these isolated parcels were in areas not designated for residential development, there was no planning for the supporting infrastructure, such as schools and parks, that residential development would entail. If this proposed change is adopted, the parcels in question could not house the needed infrastructure, thereby burdening the existing infrastructure with unplanned and unsupportable additional usage.

      The Sully District Council Land Use and Transportation Committee urges you to not approve the alternative use of multi-family residential as proposed but instead approve the staff recommendation. We ask that this letter be made a matter of record and be provided to all the Commissioners.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey M. Parnes
Chair, Sully District Council
Land Use and Transportation Committee

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modified by Jeffrey M. Parnes