Deb reviewed the update of the county’s master trail plan. The plan is composed of trails of four types: Major paved (wider than 6 foot, Minor paved (Less than 6 foot), Natural (unpaved) and Major paved and unpaved (were both a paved and unpaved path parallel each other).
The major paths in Fairfax County are the Occoquan (unpaved), Fairfax County and I-66 paths (paved) and the cross county path (paved and unpaved).
There are three sources for proposed trail amendments: citizens, Deb (herself) and Supervisor Frye. A citizen amendment originally submitted in Sully, but since redistricted to Springfield, is a proposal to move the Little Rocky Run trail from one side of the stream valley to the other, and to change its type from hard to natural
Although funding has been approved for a trail under the I-66 bridge over Route 29 at their interchange, VDOT hasn’t approved the proposed plan.
Two Sully amendments were not in the WFCCA area
A motion to endorse the overall county plan passed unanimously
Nextel plans on installing, on the third level down, their cellular antenna on an existing tree pole. They will install artificial branches so as to support 12 4-foot antennas in order to improve coverage on the Fairfax County Parkway and Centreville and West Ox roads.
The have not yet spoken to the Franklin Farm community, and are scheduled to present the proposal to the Planning Commission on 16 February.
A motion recommending approval of the 2232 review and FDP amendment subject to staff recommendation for approval and subject to no objection to Franklin Farm was passed.
The proponents were asked to return in February, if necessary, to address any objections that might be raised by county staff or Franklin Farm
Verizon returned for the second month to discuss its proposal to expand and rebuild the facility to allow growth in the facility from 60 to 80 thousand lines.
Verizon is planning to construct a solid Board on Board rear fence to screen its neighbors and to provide landscaping in front. The main problem is how to handle construction parking for the six months that the major construction would take place. Because of the existing septic field area in front of the facility the area to the left front can neither be used for parking or access to parking further to the rear. Access could be accomplished by removing existing trees in the front Center and right and replanting the area, with substantially smaller tress after the construction is completed. An alternate approach would require the cooperation of the rental residents to the west who haven’t positively responded to Verizon’s request.
Verizon is planning to replace an existing 2500-gallon in-ground fuel tank with an above ground double walled 6000-gallon tank. The installation will comply with all EPA and County requirements.
Citizen concerns included:
A motion was made but not seconded to oppose the Special Exception. A second motion was made seconded and passed 3- 0-1, which
Additional concerns and recommendations were conveyed to the proponent:
Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey M. Parnes
Chair, Sully District Council
Land Use and Transportation Committee