4 June 2001 Sully District Land Use and Transportation Committee Report
by Jeff Parnes
  1. Presentations:

    1. 7:30
      • Proponent: Pulte
      • Action: Plan amendment
      • Location: Westbrook

      There were about 30 folks from the Westbrook area at the meeting - some of them complained that due to poor traffic flow, this development shouldn't go forward, and there were others who complained about the fact that all these house were being squeezed in and would be detrimental to their property values - the development comes in at 1.9 DU/A w/o ADUs, 2.2 with it.

      The committee's biggest concern was that the tot lot was still on the side away from the ADUs, and no connecting paths (for security and privacy reasons) were forthcoming from the developer. Carol Hawn told Frank McDermott that for that reason alone she would have voted it down.

      We ended up with several suggestions:

        Applicant continue to work with the staff and the community:
      1. Encouraging the use of tree save or revegatation at the proposed storm water pond in the western area adjoining Fair Lakes Cove for I66 Noise mitigation
      2. Relocate tot lot further west
      3. Honor the 200 foot setback from I-66
      4. Create conservation easements on the tree save areas.

      As this property no longer is in Sully District, the committee took no final action, but requested that their views be forwarded to the Springfield Planning Commissioner, Peter Murphy.

    2. New Business:

      1. The committee recommended sending an email to all the departing members of the Sully community. The text of the message conatined an offer to hold meetings on topics of joint concern. Many Sully members have personally been involved in the Fairfax Center Area for over 20 years The Sully residents take an active interest in what goes on in the Fairfax center area. For many Sully residents that area is closer than the Centreville area. We are also aware that the Springfield district doesn't have quite as active land use committee as does Sully, and lastly, many of the communities that have left Sully were not geographically part of the Western Fairfax County Citizens Association [WFCCA], so there is no common forum in which we can meet. But that should not stop us making common cause. Please feel free to contact the members of our committee who have worked hard over the years to maintain the ideals of the Fairfax Center Area Task Force for these fifteen plus years. We look forward to contiuing to work towards that end with our new Springfield friends.
      2. The committee reviewed the Loudon draft comprehensive plan, and had two recommendations regarding the proposed policy for development in the Occoquan watershed:
        1. Minimize impervious surfaces in the Occoquan to prevent further degradation of the water quality
        2. The supporting road network towards the east is substandard for the existing level of development and in no way can support the proposed density
        The committee recommended sending an email to Loudoun Chairman York and Supervisor Burton.

      Respectfully submitted,

      Jeffrey M. Parnes
      Chair, Sully District Council
      Land Use and Transportation Committee

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      modified by Jeffrey M. Parnes