2 April 2001 Sully District Land Use and Transportation Committee Report
by Jeff Parnes
  1. Attendance:

    1. Members: Dick Frank (TAC), Jim Hart (Heritage Forest), Carol Hawn (Old Mill), Judith Heisinger (Bull Run), Mark McConn (Bull Run), Tom McDonald (Bruckner Forest), Jeffrey Parnes (Chantilly Highlands), and Glenn Stroup (Franklin Farm)

    2. Guests: Richard Borneman and Kathryn Gallanis (Berkshire Woods), Leroy Battle and Richard Lanham (KSI - 703.641.9000), Gary Groat (Fluor Corp - 202.955.9314), Jack Herrity (Solutions Group - 703.352.0220), Keith Martin (WCSEL - 703.528.4200)

  2. Presentations:

    1. 7:30
      • Proponent: Messrs. Herrity and Groat presented the Flour-Daniel proposal
      • Action: Widening and Grade Seperations
      • Location: Route 28 corridor

      Messrs. Herrity and Groat presented the Flour-Daniel proposal for improving the Route 28 corridor that is currently under evaluation by VDOT and the Route 28 Corridor Tax District Land Owners. Two proposals were submitted, this one consisting of constructing the necessary grade-separated interchanges and adding two additional HOT lanes to Route 28's existing six-lanes.

      The High Occupancy / Toll (HOT) lanes would be in the median of the highway separated from the main lanes by a two-foot lane divider with plastic markers to discourage cross traffic but yet still allow emergency access.

      The competing proposal would also build the necessary interchanges but just expand the highway to 10-lanes without adding HOT lanes. The evaluation of the two proposals should be complete by the end of April.

      The HOT lanes would be free to High Occupancy vehicles (carpools and buses) while other vehicles would pay a surcharge that would be paid electronically (using a smart-tag device or it itself) or by having a photograph of the vehicle's license taken and a bill sent to the associated address. The charge associated with non-smart-tag-like use would be higher because of the associated billing costs. The HOT lanes would start north of I66 and extend just south of the Dulles Access/Toll Road interchange, where Route 28 would have an eight-lane configuration. North of the interchange the HOT lanes would start again, ending at the Route 7 interchange. At this time no intermediate entrances to the HOT lanes are proposed, but if the VDOT or the Smithsonian are willing to contribute additional funding, there might be direct access from the HOT lanes to the currently under construction Air and Space Museum extension at Dulles Airport.

    2. 8:30
      • Proponent: Keith Martin
      • Action: Replan area to allow residential component
      • Location: Middleton Property

      The committee took the following position on the propsed development:

      • Supports the plan amendment because of the road completion and transit stop,
      • Considers either residential or commercial development of the properties east of the spine road as viable as long as whichever is developed causes the road and the transit stop to be built,
      • Encourages the incorporation of restaurants into the commercial development south of Horse Pen Creek,
      • Encourages the incorporation of the three contiguous parcels directly east of the parcel north of Horse Pen Creek, but that the incorporation should not be required for plan amendment approval,
      • Supports conveyance to the Park Authority of the property in and north of the flood plain

      This resolution was provided to the Hunter Mill District Land Use Committee.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Jeffrey M. Parnes
    Chair, Sully District Council
    Land Use and Transportation Committee

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    modified by Jeffrey M. Parnes