The United States Postal Service presented their plans for the new Herndon Substation to be built on a 4-acre site on the north side of McLearen Road opposite Food Lion and Highland Mews. The 18,000 square feet facility will serve more than 28,000 customers. Although there will be 58 employees, it expected that 39 will be the peak work staff. The facility will have parking for 50 employees and 32 customers. There will be 985 post boxes available, and the facility will have a postal store in additional to the usual postal services.
A church is planned to the west of the parcel (where the old barn currently exists). This site has public water and sanitary sewer available. A 35-foot wide buffer will protect the county parkland to the north and west (donated to the county as part of the Chantilly Highlands rezoning). The facility will be built to the ultimate four-lane road configuration even though the postal service will not be constructing the additional two lanes in front of the facility.
The National Capital Planning Commission will review the plans for the site on 4 May 1998. If, as the postal service anticipates, after a three-month review cycle, the plans are approved in August, construction will start in September of this year with project completion in April or May of 1999.
Current plans call for the facility to have counter hours weekdays from 8:30 - 5:00, with the last pickup at the scheduled closing time. The committee commented on the extended hours that the Chantilly Post Office maintains (till 9:00 P.M. on week nights) and asked that this facility have the same hours.
The postal service representatives asked about the facility's name. The committee felt that as this area of the county, south of Herndon and north of Chantilly, had already indicated it would preferred to be called Oak Hill as an alternative to Herndon, the facility should use that name. The postal service representatives indicated that they had hoped to have that response.
The committee also recommended that the facility be built with adequate pedestrian access, including a sidewalk along the facility's frontage. They also encouraged later week night and weekend counter hours and pickups. The committee unanimously passed a motion to recommend the endorsement of the Oak Hill Post Office facility to the National Capital Planning Commission, and that Sully Supervisor Michael Frey recommend that the Board of Supervisors request that the facility be named Oak Hill.
This proposed realignment and widening of Braddock Road will direct traffic from Pleasant Valley Road and Loudoun County to the employment center at Westfields, and away from communities along Braddock Road, inside or east of Lee Road to Route 28. In addition, this realignment will provide improved access to the new Western Fairfax High School by replacing the substandard, rural segment of Lee Road with a new alignment and bridge crossing Cub Run.
Item 98-II-BR is a land use nomination involving over 1500 acres in the RC or Occoquan down-zoned area. The plan amendment would allow cluster development without authorizing higher density development, and would introduce sewer to the upper region of the Cub Run watershed. Dick could support this nomination if certain conditions were met. The most important would be the use of a covenant as a tool to prevent any future possibility of changing the zoning density from what it is now.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey M. Parnes
Chair, Sully District Council
Land Use and Transportation Committee