Members in Attendance: Dick Frank (Transportation Advisory Commission), Jim Hart (Heritage Forest BOA), Carol A. Hawn (Singleton s Grove HOA), Al Linch (Virginia Run), Mark McConn (Bull Run Civic Association), Bill Ritchie (NECCA). Glenn Stroup (Franklin Farms), and Larry Tessier (Franklin Glen)
Guests: Doug and Linda Burger, Ed Glade, Judith Heisinger, John Sunda, Bedford and Annie Uhler, and Bob White (Bull Run Civic Association); Judith Barnes, Margo Buckley, Helen Buller, and Richard King (Town of Clifton)
Due to the absence of Chairman Jeffrey Parnes, Ms. Hawn called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
Truck Traffic on Compton Road Mrs. Heisinger, The President of Bull Run Civic Association, discussed the truck traffic problem on Common Road. Although the issue, with respect to Pleasant Valley Road, has been highlighted recently in the media, two truck/school bus accidents have occurred along Compton Road in the past two years. Compton Road is classified as a collector road, as well as a bike trail , and is actually narrower than Pleasant Valley Road. Mrs. Heisinger passed out maps showing vehicular blind spots on the road. Mrs. Loreuzo Vaughan (Mount Olive Civic Association) and Bull Run Civic Association sent correspondence to Sully District Supervisor Michael Frey on this issue, asking that he bring this issue before the Board of Supervisors. Mrs. Heisinger received a response from Shiva Pant Fairfax County Office of Transportation, noting that Compton Road may be a good candidate for abolishing truck traffic
Mr. White added that traffic is worsening, accidents are increasing, and the road is becoming more hazardous. Many of the trucks service the Upper Occoquan Sewer Authority (UOSA) treatment facility and Luck Stone, or are avoiding Route 234. Compton Road is too narrow for trucks to stay within the lanes, especially around corners Mr. White produced photographs showing trucks crossing the double yellow lines added six or seven years ago Mr. McConn mentioned a concern with people walling and/or jogging to the park along the road, especially those from Gate Post Estates. Unlike Pleasant Valley Road, where school bus travel is limited to a few hours during the school year, buses and campers use Compton Road throughout the day, twelve months a year, to access the park, campground, and/or swimming pool
Mr. Frank noted that safety is the only legitimate basis to prohibit truck traffic on Compton Road. The identification of safety concerns could lead to its closing. The agreement to close Pleasant Valley Road, an arterial road, will be lifted once the road is widened and considered safe. Mr. Stroup mentioned that an alternate route needs to be identified before VDOT will consider closing a road (in this case, the alternate routes are Route 2S and Lee Highway) In addition, a Board of Supervisors motion asking VDOT to close a road must come after a public hearing. As many residents as possible would need to show up for the heating Mr. Frank and Mr. Stroup both stated that there are numerous roads throughout the county that have line of sight issues; the Sully District Council should consider taking a position on an overall truck ban on these roads.
Mr. Tessier asked whether law enforcement could be used to prohibit truck traffic. Mr. Burger noted that it is unsafe to pull vehicles over, as there are no shoulders, and license plates are not legible due to the dirt on them. Inspections would be hazardous and there are not enough officers to enforce regulations. The unsafe nature of Compton Road is inherently acknowledged in that school bus traffic to the new elementary school will not use it to transport students-Mr. Hart moved that the Sully District Council Land Use and Transportation Committee recommend to the general membership a motion to declare Compton Road, in its current condition, unsafe for truck traffic: roads such as this should be closed to truck traffic until improved and made safer for vehicles and pedestrians. Mr. Stroup seconded Motion carried 7-0-1 (Mr. Tessier abstained). This issue will be brought before the Western Fairfax County Citizens Association (WFCCA) at its quarterly meeting in April. Upon approval of the general membership, this will be immediately forwarded to Supervisor Frey and Chairman Katherine Hanley for action. Mr. Linch noted that the Federation did not endorse action on Pleasant Valley Road at this time in light of its handling in the General Assembly. We should ensure that the issue of safety on roads such as Pleasant Valley, Stone, and Compton is included in the 1999 legislative agenda Part of the problem with Delegate McClure s bill is that it was introduced at the last minute.
Mr. Hart mentioned that three cases are before the WFCCA related to this discussion. The first is a rezoning on Compton Road involving realignment across from the UOSA entrance. The second is a rezoning from RC to 1-6 for B & D Trucking on Lee Highway, across from Luck Stone. Finally, there is an Annual Plan Renew (APR) nomination for 1,800 acres along Pleasant Valley Road extending sewer to the parcel to permit cluster development.
APR Schedule B Task Force Update on 98-III-5BR Mr. Frank stated that the Sully District Council should consider taking a position on the above nomination to increase the FAR at the intersection of Route 28 and Willard Road (at the Capital Expo Center) from .35 to .50. The Task Force endorsed the nomination in a 14-12 vote. Due to the close vote Mr. Frank believes area groups should weigh in on the nomination Mr. Hart voted in the affirmative because the area was a white elephant prior to the Expo Center moving in. The intensity of use in the area now is on weekends; hotels would be used in the evenings and office use would be greatest during the day. Therefore, although the density would be higher, the facilities would not conflict with each other. Mr. Stroup noted that density should remain reasonable; it sets poor precedent to change what the Route 28 Task Force set in place. This nomination leads to ‘core creep ; the Route 28 Task Force planned higher density in three core areas: near Dulles Airport; Route 50, and in Centreville. Mr. Frank believes that Frank McDermott agent for the nominator, should speak at the next Land Use and Transportation Committee meeting. He will be contacted to attend. The Braddock Road nomination should also be closely followed.
Escrow Funds Mr. Hart produced the 39-page construction escrow list for Sully District. In our district alone, there is $2,290,287 in funds posted. The Board of Supervisors asked for this report. There is no triggering mechanism for obtaining these funds.
Fairfax County FY99 Budget Deb Leser, Chair of the County wide Non-motorized Trails Committee, contacted Chairman Hanley s office about the lack of funds in the FY99 budget for trails. There may be Board support for adding funds for trail projects Mr. Frank believes we should support this on principle; additional funds would be relatively pain-free this year, but will not be pain-free in future years. Mr. Hart, at-large representative on the Trails Committee, stated the Committee has identified one million dollars in projects for FY99. Mr. Stroup moved that the Sully District Council Land Use and Transportation Committee recommend to the general membership its support of the Countywide Non-motorized Trails Committee proposal to include trails funds in the FY99 budget. Mr. Hart seconded Motion carried unanimously
Virginia Rail Express Petition Mr. Lich stated that the Sully District Council resolution requesting the Board of Supervisors appoint a Task Force to locate a potential western Fairfax County VRE station was passed on to the Fairfax Federation Transportation Committee for discussion and adoption Four members of the Town of Clifton Transportation Committee attended to state that they do not support the resolution, although that passed by the Sully District Council notes that Clifton residents should be included on the Task Force. It will be before the entire Clifton Town Council tomorrow evening. Ms. Hawn stated that if there is an issue with the resolution, it should take it up with the Springfield District Council or the Federation; Sully District Council has finished its work on the issue.
The next Sully District Council Land Use and Transportation Committee is scheduled for Monday, April 6, 1998 at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room adjacent to Supervisor Frey s office, 5900 Centreville Road in the Fort Hill Centre Building.
With no additional business, Ms. Hawn adjourned the meeting at 9:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol A Hawm
For the Sully District Council Land Use and Transportation Committee
Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey M. Parnes
Chair, Sully District Council
Land Use and Transportation Committee