6 January 1997 Sully District Land Use and Transportation Committee Report
by Jeff Parnes
  1. Attendance:

    1. Members: Dick Frank (TAC), Carol Hawn (Singleton's Grove), Tom McDonald (Buckner Forest), Jeff Parnes (Chantilly Highlands), and Larry Tessier (Franklin Glenn)

    2. Guests: Clint Britt (CBA Land Corp), Lee Fifer (McGuire, Woods, Battle & Boothe), Peter Rinek (BC Consultants), and Lester and Michael Sorensen (Sorensen)

  2. Presentations:

    1. 7:30
      • Proponent: Sorensen
      • Action: plan amendment
      • Location: the parcel north of the new middle school being constructed north of McLearen Road and west of Centreville Road

      The above guests discussed their plans to introduce a plan amendment for the parcel north of the new middle school being constructed north of McLearen Road and west of Centreville Road. The land is zoned as R1 but planned for industrial as was the parcel the school is on, and the land adjoining the subject parcel to the west. North of the parcel is Horse Pen Creek that forms the northern Sully District boundary. Across the creek is King's Grant: a development of single family detached homes.

      They are recommending that the parcel be replanned as PDH 5-8. This would allow a transitional density from the school site and nearby industrial uses as a buffer to the single family detached units across the creek.

      They showed a general plan for 124 garage town house units on 16 acres of land, for a density of about 6.5 dwelling units per acre with allowable bonuses. Approximately 30-40% of the northern edge of the property is in the Horse Pen Creek flood plain.

      The parcel is far enough north from the east-west approaches to Dulles Airport that their noise should not have an impact.

      Access to the site will be from one entrance from Centreville Road at a point where a median break currently exists.

      The assumed density includes allowances for 20 affordable dwelling units, with the remaining 104 units at market value.

      Members of the committee asked if this parcel was appropriate for townhouses as the closest residential neighbors are single family detached homes. It was pointed out that the currently planned industrial use might be more inappropriate next to the single family detached homes.

  3. Old Business:

    1. Dick Frank discussed transportation-related plan amendments developed by four discussion groups held in January and February of 1996.

      All but one of the recommendations have the support of the Planning Commission, the Transportation Advisory Commission and the Office of Transportation staff. The Office of Transportation does not agree with the following proposal:

      Prepare an implementation program which establishes priorities and specific implementing actions for achieving policy objectives. Monitor and report annually to the Board of Supervisors, the Planning Commission and the Transportation Advisory Commission on the progress made in achieving these policy objectives and any changes recommended in the implementation program.

      The Office of Transportation believes that there presently exist implementation plans, as well as requirements for their periodic review and update. In the department?s opinion the annual report would add additional effort to their current workload without any noticeable gain.

      The proponents of the plan amendment state that an annual progress report, not on the same magnitude as the five-year review, is reasonable request.

      The committee agreed with the plan amendment and voted unanimously to recommend it for approval at the next general membership meeting of the Sully District Council.

    2. The Planning Commission will hold a 9 January 1996 public hearing on the rezoning of the Peterson Farm.

      The Peterson Farm is on the west side of Lees Corner Road and backs towards Armfield Farms. At a previous meeting, residents of Armfield Farms attended and hotly questioned the plan for the parcel?s redevelopment, with questions of run off and density major concerns.

      Dick Frank reported, that as far as he understood the situation, the prperty owners had addressed the adjoining property holders' concerns, and there would be no serious objections to the proposed rezoning. The submitted plan includes 15,000 square feet for the original farmhouse and 9 to 10 other single family detached homes on lots sized from 7000 to 8000 square feet.

  4. New Business: The committee discussed two proposed zoning ordinance amendments.

    1. The first concerned on-site parking flexibility.

      The amendment would allow reductions in on-site parking requirements for three categories:

      • Valet Parking.
      • Hotels and motels in close proximity to other forms of transportation (airports, railroads, etc.).
      • Shared parking (such as churches and day care centers sharing parking lots where demand for the church?s use of the lot would not correspond to periods of peak use by the day care, and vice-a-versa).

      The committee agreed with the proposed zoning ordinance amendment and voted unanimously to recommend it for approval at the next general membership meeting of the Sully District Council.

    2. The second concerned service stations and mini-marts.

      The amendment would grant, via the approval of special exceptions or development plans, slightly larger facilities with the ability to serve microwave heatable goods and bakery goods.

      The committee took no action on the proposed zoning ordinance amendment.

  5. The next meeting of the Sully District Council Land Use and Transportation Committee will convene Monday, 3 February 1997 at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey M. Parnes
Chair, Sully District Council
Land Use and Transportation Committee

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