4 March 1996 Sully District Land Use and Transportation Committee Report
by Carol A. Hawn
  1. Attendance:

    1. Members: Lewis Grimm (Franklin Farms), Carol Hawn (Singleton's Grove), Richard Korink (Country Club Manor), Bill Ritchie (NECCA), and Glenn Stroup (Franklin Farms).

    2. Guests: Toni L. McMahon (Compliance Consultants)

  2. Glenn Stroup called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.

  3. Presentations:

    1. 7:30
      • Proponent: Toni McMahon attended as the agent for the Summerfield Suites Hotel Corporation
      • Action: special exception to build a three story, 89-room suite hotel
      • Location: 3.3 acres off of Brookfield Drive in the Brookfield Corporate Center

      The applicant is asking for a special exception to build a three story, 89-room suite hotel to be known as Sierra Suites. The hotel would be located on 3.3 acres off of Brookfield Drive in the Brookfield Corporate Center [tax map #44-1-((66))-3A1]. The proposed facility would be similar to one located at 13700 Coppermine Road. Although the Brookfield facility would have a laundry facility, outdoor swimming pool, and sports court, it will not provide food service, will not serve alcohol, nor will it include meeting rooms on site. Each suite will have a bedroom, living area, office, bathroom, and kitchenette. This will not be a 'drop in' hotel; prior reservations are required. The Coppermine hotel has a minimum 90 percent occupancy rate and serves CIT and Dulles.

      In accordance with the Dulles Suburban Corridor Design Plan, the hotel is considered an optional use; it reduces the overall impact originally called for in the Comprehensive Plan. The development will provide over 68,000 feet of open space which is over three times the amount of open space required by code (21,000 feet). The developers have finished sound attenuation and traffic plan studies. The FAR is .279.

      With regard to landscaping, there is a storm water detention pond bordering the property. When the pond was built, the property was clear-cut, leaving few trees. The plan is to use the excess soil left from constructing the pond to build a berm on the Route 28 side of the property and landscape the property with 250 shrubs, decidunder approval in the Washington area and a total of 21 are now operating.

      The proposal has not been pre-staffed as of yet. The Planning Commission is expected to hear the case on May 29, 1996. The Board of Supervisors may hear it in early July.

  4. Other Business:

    1. Lewis Grimm discussed the I-66 Major Investment Study workshops scheduled for Monday, March 11 and Tuesday, March 19. These are the second in a series of public information meetings, the purpose of which is to bring preliminary ideas before the public and solicit comments. The workshops are used to address a range of alternatives and issues. One example is whether to end public rail in Centreville or extend service as far west as Gainesville.

    2. Glenn Stroup mentioned that Cassel's Awards and Engraving Shop in Franklin Farms is in the preliminary stages of considering an indoor recreational facility on eight and one-half acres southwest of the intersection of Wall and Centreville Roads. Rick Korink stated that although there is a great need for these types of facilities, some planning needs to take place to determine how private facilities will compete against public facilities. A recreational facility is mentioned in the Comprehensive Plan as an alternate use for the parcel.

    3. Glenn Stroup mentioned the two resolutions recently passed by the Fairfax Federation focusing on the Wilson Bridge, including preferred alternatives and proposed interchange designs. The latter resolution favors Fairfax County over Alexandria.

    4. Glenn Stroup reported that the Telecommunication Task Force has held its second meeting and should now be touring sites.

    5. At the Federation Board Meeting held February 29th, a resolution on the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) was discussed requiring the BZA to televise meetings, make draft copies of motions available to citizens prior to discussion, and print BZA actions in the Weekly Agenda. The genesis of this resolution is a complaint by Mantua Citizens Association concerning the former YMCA property. The Planning Commission disapproved a special permit allowing the property to be used as a Jewish school. The BZA overrode the Planning Commission decision, stating that the Comprehensive Plan cannot overrule zoning ordinances. If this is not challenged, Mantua may take legal action.

    6. Glenn Stroup discussed the status of the Fort Belvoir Engineering Proving Grounds. The Army has given up on developing the property. A law was passed that the Secretary of the Army can turn the property over to Fairfax County in return for certain provisions. One provision is that the County would be required to replace the buildings removed to accommodate individuals still working on the grounds. A major point of contention centers on the 'fair market value' of the land, which, according to law is how much Fairfax county will have to pay for the property. There are probably environmental hazards on the land. Some ideas for development include a park, a baseball stadium, a people mover to the Springfield-Franconia Metro station, and/or finishing a missing link in the Fairfax County Parkway. There is a resolution pending asking for full public disclosure, including hearings, prior to finalization of the issue.

      Rick Korink stated that it is unfortunate that this type of discussion is taking place when Sully District is in need of improved infrastructure. He recommended that the Committee set priorities and send the top five or six recommendations to the Federation. Glenn Stroup mentioned that it takes two or three months to receive approval from the Federation so we need to act promptly; the transportation spot improvements are good examples of setting priorities.

    7. Rick Korink mentioned that linking the Manassas Battlefield trail system to Centreville trails is a good example of an improvement that we could concentrate on achieving. Rick Korink made a motion that he be permitted to testify at the Manassas 21st Century Development meetings on coordinating the linkage of the county-wide trail plan with the Manassas Battlefield trails along the stream valleys. Motion approved unanimously.

    8. Rick Korink also presented a letter from James Hart, President of the West Fairfax County Citizens Association (WFCCA), to Jane Gwinn, Fairfax County Zoning Administrator, concerning a property on Mt. Gilead Road in the historic district that is an eyesore. Rick Korink made a motion that the Committee endorse the WFCCA letter asking for enforcement and add that the County be required to enforce codes in the multi-structure historic areas within Sully District. Motion passed unanimously.

    9. Bill Ritchie mentioned that we need to keep the potential land swap in mind when discussing a recreation center site in the district. At present, there are three sites in contention for a recreation center: the new high school area, the Chantilly Library area, and the northwest corner of Stringfellow Road and I-66, currently owned by Hazel-Petersen, involved in the land swap.

    10. Regarding transportation, Bill Ritchie mentioned that 80 percent of Fairfax County residents travel elsewhere to work. Lewis Grimm stated that much of the data discussed exists in the County Office of Transportation. Rick Korink added that many transportation improvements have little to do with future traffic patterns. Glenn Stroup added that this is due to the fact that we act in a reactive way, and are not proactive. Rick Korink stated the example of the twelve acres that would have connected Stone Road with New Braddock Road. Bill Ritchie stated that we need bus service in the Centreville area. Rick Korink added that we need to make the core of Centreville more 'people friendly'. Bill Ritchie mentioned that we need to find out what the priorities of the County are and either make the priorities happen or take them out of the Comprehensive Plan. Glenn Stroup added that in many situations, including transportation, education, the fire station, etc., it takes data to prove our case. The Committee agreed to create a list of priorities for discussion at next month's meeting.

  5. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

  6. The next meeting of the Sully District Council Land Use and Transportation Committee will be Monday, April 8, 1996, at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room adjacent to Supervisor Michael Frey's office, 5900 Centreville Road. Please note that the meeting is the second Monday of the month, not the first, as normally scheduled. Two guests will attend. Ms. Tracy Steele, of Walsh, Colucci, Stackhouse, Emrich & Lubeley, will discuss a Special Exception Application for Kindercare Learning Centers in the Sully Station Shopping Center. Ms. Deborah Leser, the Sully District Representative to the County Wide Trails Committee, will discuss trail plans for the Route 28/29 interchange and other trail related matters.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol A. Hawn
For the Land Use and Transportation Committee

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