6 March 1995 Sully District Land Use and Transportation Committee Report
by Jeff Parnes
  1. Attendance:

    1. Members: Sue Blackwell (Manorgate), Dick Frank (TAC), Lewis Grimm (Franklin Farm), Jeff Parnes (Chantilly Highlands), Bill Ritchie (NECCA), Glenn Stroup (Franklin Farm), and Larry Tessier (Franklin Glen).

    2. Guests: Michael Hadeed (Alexandria), Diana Hirezi (Clifton), and Manual Hirezi (Clifton)

  2. Presentations:

    1. 7:30
      • Proponent: Diana and Manual Hirezi of Fun Fair
      • Action: amendment to special exception
      • Location: Sully Place shopping center

      The owners (Diana and Manual Hirezi) of Fun Fair, located in the Sully Place shopping center, are requesting an amendment to its special exception to allow it to expand into two additional bays in the shopping center. Their lawyer, Michael Hadeed, explained that when complete, Fun Fair will occupy one third of the commercial space at the center. The subcommittee had no objections to Fun Fair's expansion, but was concerned with the use of unauthorized, non-conforming and quite ugly signs to advertise businesses uses in the shopping centers on Centreville Road. This concern was expressed to Fun Fairs' owners and mentioned in a letter to Sully Supervisor Mike Frey.

  3. Other Business:

    1. A letter expressing the Sully District Council's support of allocating $1 million as part of a total of $2 million for spot improvements was sent to Mike Frey and the Fairfax Federation Council of Civic Associations.

    2. The Dulles Area Transit Association, a group of businesses located in the Route 28 corridor near Dulles Airport, is trying to get two grants from the state. It hopes to work with the town of Herndon to establish electric shuttle buses from Herndon to their business locations and to work with Loudoun county in establishing a ride-sharing program.

    3. The first Boeing 777s will land at Dulles Airport in June. In April, Austrian Airlines will start non-stop service from Dulles to Vienna. And the new treaty between the US and Canada will increase the frequency and destinations of flights to Canadian cities. Congress is considering changes in the Oversight Board of Review that operates both National and Dulles Airports. This tampering could cause the funding mechanisms for the improvements to National and Dulles to dry up. Congress could direct the addition of new landing slots at, and increase the 1250- mile range limit for flights to and from, National Airport. Both of these actions would cause National to become busier at the expense of Dulles Airport.

    4. The state is funding a major investment study of I-66 west of the Beltway to US Route 17. This type of study is required prior to any major expenditure. The study will consider Metro, VRE (commuter rail), HOV lanes, and other transit and highway improvements in the I-66 corridor.

    5. Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation will present an update on the Dulles Corridor Transportation Study in March in Reston, Vienna and Ashburn. The question of whether there is support for more than one expansion of Metro in Northern Virginia may yet have to be answered. Should rail be added to the Dulles or I-66 corridors? The cost of Metro makes it highly unlikely that both routes could be built within decades of each other.

    6. Utility work should begin shortly on improvements to Stringfellow Road between Route 50 and Fair Lakes Parkway. Construction should be started for left-turn lanes at Poplar Tree Road, while sometime this summer construction will start for the left-turn lanes at Melville Lane. Design of the relocation of Stringfellow Road intersection with Route 29 and Clifton Road is over half completed, with construction to start in 1996.

    7. All eight lanes of I-66 will be open to traffic from Route 50 to Route 29 by the end of this year. Construction of ramps will continue and they will open incrementally.

    8. EDS and the county have finally come to yet another agreement on the Centreville Road/McLearen Road intersection. Construction should start within 30 days.

    9. A complete review of the county's transportation plan is scheduled for 1996. Prior to the review, the County's Transportation Advisory Commission would like to sponsor roundtables of about 20 citizens to discuss strategic plans in 1995. Topics could include:
      • Making existing transportation more effective and user friendly (time and convenience factors).
      • Effective growth management (land use).
      • Moderating peak demand period impact (rush hour).
      • Managing aspects of taking transportation planing to the year 2100.

    10. The Transportation Advisory Commission is recommending to the Board of Supervisors that they fund $1 million in both this and next year for spot transportation improvements. The first year's funding priority for Sully District will be dual left-turn lanes from eastbound Route 29 to northbound Route 28. The next year's priority will be a left turn lane from southbound Centreville Road into Kinross Circle South.

    11. Some miscellaneous notes:
      • The Fairfax County Parkway will be open to Braddock Road this year, but the ramps to Route 29 won't be complete.
      • All four lanes of Braddock Road will be open from Route 123 to the Fairfax County Parkway this year as well.
      • The Route 28/29 intersection design is complete, but the state only has $15 million of the $32 million necessary for construction.
      • Loudoun County has planned the South Riding development (south of Route 50, west of the airport) to tie into the North-South connector Fairfax County added to its plans last year.
      • Developing a plan for handling Prince William traffic over the Yates Ford Bridge will be a high priority item in 1996.

  4. The next meeting of the Land Use and Transportation Committee will convene at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, 3 April 1995, in the conference room of Sully District Supervisor’s Michael Frey’s Centreville office. On the agenda is a presentation for townhouse development on Walney Road.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey M. Parnes
Chair, Sully District Council
Land Use and Transportation Committee

Sully District Council of Citizens Associations
P.O. Box 330
Centreville, VA 22020

8 March 1995

Supervisor Michael Frey
Sully District
Fort Hill Center
5900 Centreville Road
Centreville, Virginia 22020

Dear Supervisor Frey:

The Land Use and Transportation Committee of the Sully District Council discussed the pending Special Exception Amendment SEA 87-C-051-04 for the Fun Fair in Sully Place at its meeting of 5 March 1995. This Amendment will be heard by the Board on March 27 at 3:30.

The Committee does not normally take a formal position on individual zoning actions, believing that our best role is to assist home owner associations and organizations most affected to make their own decisions re support or opposition. In Fun Fair's case, the committee has reviewed the Fun Fair expansion application and has no objection to the expansion. In addition, the hearing on this case provides an opportunity to address a problem which is prevalent through the Sully District.

A number of individual businesses within various shopping centers, especially those along Centreville Road and Route 50, seem to have greatly increased their use of unauthorized, non-conforming and quite ugly signs to advertise their businesses. The Fun Fair is one business that uses these signs to advertise their ‘specials’. Other businesses in the same shopping center do the same, placing ‘temporary’, sometimes hand-lettered signs in the right of way, at the entrances to the shopping center and along the roadway approaches to the center. In addition, several businesses have used signs on vehicles, which never move, but, are in fact, simply non-conforming advertisements.

We request that you use this opportunity to influence the management of the several shopping centers in the Sully District to comply with the zoning ordinance and require their tenants to remove the signs. If there are problems with the zoning ordinance in terms of being able to enforce the provisions, we also ask that you ask staff to propose changes which will correct the problem.

This matter will be voted on by the full Council, but our next meeting will be after your hearing. I am certain, however, that the full Council will approve the Committee’s recommendation.


Jeffrey M. Parnes

Chair, Land Use and Transportation Committee
Sully District Council of Citizens Associations

Planning Commissioner Ronald Koch

Sully District Council of Citizens Associations
P.O. Box 330
Centreville, VA 22020

17 March 1995

Supervisor Michael Frey
Sully District
Fort Hill Center
5900 Centreville Road
Centreville, Virginia 22020

Dear Supervisor Frey:

The Sully District Council discussed the proposed transportation spot improvement initiative at its meeting of 22 February 1995. The Council's Land Use and Transportation Committee has reviewed spot improvements suggested by residents of Sully District, as have the District Councils of other Districts reviewed and prioritized improvements within their areas. Those recommended improvements were reviewed and screened until only two per district were forwarded for implementation.

We understand that the cost of completing all the final spot improvements comes to approximately two million dollars. The council members propose that they be accomplished over a period of two years and therefore the council members unanimously endorsed a motion to allocate one million dollars of the required two million dollars needed for spot improvements in this year's budget.

We would appreciate your support in this matter.


Jeffrey M. Parnes

Chair, Land Use and Transportation Committee
Sully District Council of Citizens Associations

Planning Commissioner Ronald Koch

Transportation Advisory Commissioner Dick Frank

Fairfax Federation of Citizens Associations President John Fee

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey M. Parnes
Chair, Sully District Council
Land Use and Transportation Committee

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modified by Jeffrey M. Parnes