Mr. John Payne of the Fairfax County Housing Authority presented a proposed use for 46 acres of land near Willow Springs Elementary School. The property was originally purchased by the Housing Authority for use as a treatment area for sewage, but it's no longer needed for that purpose due development of other nearby properties. The Fairfax County Park Authority wants to use the parcel instead to construct ball fields, but it must reimburse the Housing Authority for the value of the land. According to federal law the Housing Authority must receive fair market value for the property since a federal grant was used for its purchase. In this way, the original federal funds can be used for housing improvements somewhere else in the county.
The Park Authority was willing to spend about $400,000 for the parcel, but with recent budget cuts, it can no longer afford that much. The Park and Housing authorities have developed a plan to build eight clustered lots of about 1? acres instead of the normal five-acre lots. The excess property will be donated to the Park Authority for use in constructing two minor league fields and one softball field.
The county met with local residents and presented the plan. They made several recommendations to the county, including that fields not be lighted, and that all the parcels have access from the school's entrance road. The citizens also asked that the county present this plan to the Sully District Council for review.
A motion was made not to oppose the plan. The motion passed unanimously . The Planning Commission will consider this on 7 December 1994, and the Board of Supervisors on 11 December.
Anyone interested in transportation improvements in the corridor depicted below [comprising the Dulles Greenway and the Dulles Access and Toll Road] is encouraged to attend the public participation meetings which will held 7:30 pm on 1 December, Broad Run High School, Ashburn; 5 December, George Mason High School, Falls Church; and 6 December, National Wildlife Federation, Vienna. For more information call 1-800-960-RAIL.
The presentation will be made 7:30 pm on 6 December, Fairfax County Government Center, Conference Rooms 4 5. For more information call 934-0660.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey M. Parnes
Chair, Sully District Council
Land Use and Transportation Committee