Sully District Council of Citizens Associations

P.O. Box 230042
Sully Station, VA 20120-0042

Sully Plantation Holiday Lights

Agenda for 19 February 2024 Joint Sully District Land Use and Transportation Committee (JSDLU&TC) Meeting
by Jeff Parnes

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  1. The Joint Sully District Land Use and Transportation Committee (JSDLU&TC) will meet virtually and in person at 7:00 p.m. on 19 February 2024 at the Sully Government Facility Meeting Room, 4900 Stonecroft Boulevard, Chantilly, VA, 20151. This meeting is conducted with participation by members of both the Land Use and Transportation committees of the SDCCA and WFCCA
  2. Time to renew your association's membership in the Sully District Council. Our membership application can now be submitted on line! Please complete it, and then print a copy to enclose with your check.
  3. Has yours made plans to join us for 2024?

  4. The JSDLU&TC Meeting will have a online option. The WebEx meeting URL is below.
  5. Meeting Information:
    The Sully District Council requires each participant in our online meetings to identify themselves. If your screen name does not provide enough information to identify yourself, or you are a call-in participant, you will be asked to identify yourself and the organization you represent. If after repeated requests, you choose not to do so, you will be disconnected from the meeting.

  6. Sully District Council is Social!

  7. Jim Neighbors, the Sully District Council Secretary, has recently updated the JSDLU&TC Land Use Matrix XLSX PDF.

  8. Videos of the January 2024 JSDLU&TC & SDCCA meetings have been posted:
  9. The Sully District Council of Citizens Associations Membership will meet on Wednesday, 28 February 2024

  10. The JSDLU&TC will meet on Monday, 19 February 2024..

  11. Items of General Interest:

  12. Scheduled Meetings/Events
  13. Next Sully District meetings will take place at the Sully Government Facility unless otherwise indicated:

    Respectfully submitted,

    Jeffrey M. Parnes
    Land Use and Transportation Chair
    Sully District Council

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    modified by Jeffrey M. Parnes